Boy Scout Collectibles

Pick Up Some Sought-After Boy Scout Collectibles

Whether you are searching for vintage Boy Scout memorabilia to remind you of your scouting days or you are looking for a few contemporary items to maximize your son or daughter's experience, you can find a huge selection for sale on eBay.

What kinds of Boy Scout collectibles are available on eBay?

You can select from a wide variety of Boy Scout uniforms that include shirts, shorts, pants, hats, belts, and belt buckles. The vintage Boy Scout uniform shirts, shorts, and pants come in tan, green, gray, or blue. The shirts have short or long sleeves and have various types and amounts of patches. If you're looking to remember your time as a scout, look for a shirt that has your former troop number. The more modern Boy Scout uniform comes in long or short-sleeve tan colors. You can find used and new Boy Scout shirts on eBay.

You can choose Boy Scout books as collectibles. Check out the vintage scout handbooks, order of the arrow books, and merit badge books for ways to pass down some tradition to your young scout. Choose a vintage 1967 field book or one written in 2014.

The neckerchief and slide collection on eBay includes new and used Boy Scout collectibles. You can choose a traditional metal slide with the Boy Scout logo, a colorful paracord slide, or select from the many novelty slides, such as a frying pan, turtle, fish, or campfire. For something different, choose a slide that can be customized with your troop number.

There are many other kinds of Boy Scout collectibles, including the following:

  • Hatchets, knives, and sharpening stones
  • Fire-making equipment, camp utensils, mess kits, and canteens
  • Backpacks, compasses, and shovels
  • Bugles
  • Badges and patches
Buying vintage Boy Scout patches

Remember your scouting activities with a variety of Boy Scout patches and badges. The time you spent at the Philmont Boy Scout ranch can be fondly remembered with its unique patch. Pick up a badge from a particular scout camp that you visited, such as Goshen, Emerson-Gorman, Broadstone Warren, Olijato, or Pellissippi, to name a few. If you're a collector, look for lots or bundles of different Boy Scout patches for sale.

Is Boy Scout memorabilia worth money?

Many of the Boy Scout memorabilia on eBay are no longer made. The uniforms, scout books, and badges continue to change over time, making it possible that Boy Scout memorabilia may be worth money. More changes are likely now that girls are allowed to join the organization.