Flir Infrared Cameras & Thermal Imaging Equipment

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Flir Infrared Cameras and Thermal Imaging Equipment for an Image in the Dark

There are many reasons why somebody would want to record what is happening in the dark or inspect the temperature of an object. You may want to record what happens in your home at night or want to measure the temperature contrast of your vehicle, so thermal cameras come in handy in all situations. Affordable Flir infrared cameras and thermal imaging equipment are sold on eBay.

Should you get qualitative or quantitative Flir thermal imaging equipment?

You can find quantitative and qualitative thermal equipment. There is a difference in the way that the two function. Quantitative thermal equipment gives an accurate temperature reading of the objects that are being videotaped. A qualitative thermal camera will give you a reading that is based on the contrast in the temperature between different subjects and their surroundings. Most of the cameras are qualitative since accurate temperature readings are rarely needed when simply recording any activity in the dark. Quantitative cameras have an additional program that allows them to record actual temperatures and is used for professional purposes such as the inspection of equipment.

Flir infrared thermal imaging equipment resolution

The cameras that you can buy on eBay have a different resolution range that you can buy. The higher the resolution, the more details you will be able to derive from the recorded image. This all depends on what field you are going to be using the camera for. Recording of smaller objects will generally require a higher resolution so you can make out the images. Examples of camera resolution ranges are:

  • 80 by 60
  • 160 by 120
  • 240 by 180
  • 384 by 288
  • 464 by 348
  • 320 by 240
  • 480 by 360
  • 640 by 480
  • 1024 by 768
Do new and used Flir infrared thermal cameras have Wi-Fi?

One of the features of thermal cameras is their connectivity to the internet, which allows you instant and remote control of the place under video surveillance. Most of the cameras do have a Wi-Fi connection, although some do not.

Camera field of view

The field of view of the camera gives you an idea of how much territory the camera can cover. The field of view pertains to the horizontal range of recording of the camera. The higher the degree, the wider range of the image that the camera will capture in a stationary position. You can find cameras that record as little as 12 degrees to as much as 57 degrees of the field of view.

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