Google Pixel 2 Smartphones

About Google Pixel 2
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Price Trends

Google Pixel 2 - Price New and Used

New Price*
from $234 to $419
Used Price*
from $150 to $198
Google Pixel 2 Price Trend Chart Large
*The average sold price is calculated based on "Buy It Now" items sold within the 90 day period described above (excluding shipping and handling). Each interval represents a 15 day period. There is no guarantee that items will always be listed at a price within the provided range.
Compare Similar Models
Google Pixel 2 Cell Phone
Google Pixel 2
Operating System
Android 8.0.0 (Oreo)
Display size
5 inches
1080x1920 pixels
Main Camera
12.2 MP
Front Camera
8 MP
Internal Memory
64/128 GB ROM, 4 GB RAM
2.35 Ghz + 1.9 Ghz Octa-Core
Display Technology
Headphone Jack

Important Things to Know When Looking for Google Pixel 2 Smartphones

The Google Pixel 2 smartphone is the successor to the original Google Pixel. The Pixel 2 gives you the ability to stay in touch and enjoy your favorite media from wherever you are.

The technical aspects of Google Pixel 2 Smartphones

Google Pixel smartphones use the Android operating system. The Android OS gives users a large amount of freedom in terms of the phone's configuration as well as available applications. Pixel 2 smartphones feature a 5.0-inch screen with a resolution of 1080 x 1920. The Pixel 2 is available in two different memory options, 64 GB and 128 GB. This gives you the ability to store more of your favorite videos and pictures. The Pixel is available with 4 GB of RAM, which helps the phone to perform multiple operations at the same time. The 8 MP camera gives you the ability to take clear pictures and 1080p quality videos. See the manufacturer site for details.

Are used Google Pixel smartphones a good option?

A used smartphone can be an economical way to get the technology that you want. There are multiple listings for Google Pixel smartphones on eBay. When you purchase a used phone, there are multiple factors that you should consider.

  • Condition - Verify that the phone is in good overall condition. If you carefully screen the used Google Pixel smartphone options for cosmetic issues or traces of damage, you may be able to get a great deal on a quality Google Pixel 2.
  • Accessories - Many listings are only for the phone itself. Make sure that you know exactly what you are bidding on. If you need to purchase a charger or other accessories separately, you will be able to find them on eBay.
What are the differences between the Pixel 1 and the Pixel 2?

The Pixel 2 features many upgraded features. The new Pixel is taller, wider, and thinner than the original model. The Pixel also features a textured aluminum back that makes it easier to hold. Like many Google Smartphones, the Pixel 2 is resistant to water and dust. The newer Pixel is designed to withstand immersion in up to 3 feet of water for one minute. The newer Pixel also features enhanced Bluetooth functionality, which makes the Bluetooth more consistent and less likely to lose connection. Google also added a Pixel Visual Core dedicated image-processing chip to the new Pixel. This chip allows the camera to process HDR photos faster with almost no lag. This makes your picture more dynamic and allows you to take even better pictures.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google.