OnePlus 3T Smartphones

OnePlus 3T Smartphones



OnePlus 3T
Display Size
Wireless Charging
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


63 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by gabriweldoJanuary 13, 2019

    Good Phone

    Excellent phone. It has buttons in the built-in settings so that one (get it) can easily unlock bootloader to therefore install twrp, root, and flash the rom of your choice (optional, but root is not.). Love it. LineageOS 15.1 bumps the latest droid 8.1 essentially and I've literally got a full rom update every single day since I twrp'd it. You must install gapps (I used pico) to use the gps. I then removed the playstore and it's associated services except for GSF and the tts engine, neither of which are allowed internet access. Though on google's 'android' clusterfluck compilation who knows if that is even possible. I will say this, LineageOS does not need mods to the default apk's other than maybe your own gui preferences such as a txt mssge ap of choice, per se. Bought the Tudia rugged case, removed the plastic front and installed a real piece of glass overlay (tyvm sir) and this case and phone now rocks. The phone is super fast compared with anything that runs the original droid 442 stuff and as well gets all the latest updates to anything available because of this as well which was the reason I bought it. A year ago this phone would have been in the 300$ range. Without root you are essentially not the owner or even in control of whatever you own. Other manufacturers who make it difficult or impossible to root are not even worth one's (get it?) time.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by h1s4k0December 13, 2017

    Great Phone

    I've enjoyed the customizability. There are a few downsides I had to figure out work-around bugs, like saving international numbers and them disappearing and voicemails that were deleted coming back, and after phone restarting some settings aren't prevalent and having to re-set them. This particular phone also didn't come with a screen-cover and the case I bought for it to protect it had to have a re-ship to come in the day after my phone. But overall, graphics look great for mid-demanding games graphically, the reception is fairly good in all the places I've traveled with it, the responsiveness is 4/5 (could be a bit faster) the size is nice, the sound quality is better than I expected, I like the look. 'Tis a good phone.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by eli_tradepostDecember 06, 2018

    Phone delivered swiftly and pretty much as described

    There were a couple prominent scratches on the screen but it doesn't affect touch sensitivity and I'm sure they only go as deep as the screen protector. Other than that it came packaged securely along with the case and popsocket attached and works great.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by scibby63March 07, 2018

    Great Phone

    The phone has a slim profile while having a large/clear screen which makes it easy to keep in a pocket. Even with a protective case on it, it is very thin. The battery lasts all day even with use. Overall a great phone.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by jbeast18June 10, 2020

    Best phone I ever had

    Great device, very fast and good battery life. Very slim. I would recommend a case as this phone is very glossy and slippery.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by edgarsoriaMay 14, 2019

    great phone for reazonable cost

    good speed , but it do not have slot for micro sd card , the rest is great

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by chemprof2March 13, 2018

    Great phone

    The OnePlus 3T is fast, bright, and reliable. The best phone I have ever had.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by marsalaz_ecMay 24, 2017

    It's great!

    It's a great smartphone at a great price! Really good camera and excellent performance!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by harley91807May 18, 2021

    Great phone!

    Love this phone. Couldn't have gotten a better phone for the price.

    Verified purchase:Yes