Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom Cell Phones & Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom Cell Phones & Smartphones



Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom
Display Size
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


44 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by murf49October 28, 2015

    Great pictures for a good phone

    I was somewhat put off by the Samsung S4 Zoom size and weight, but after re-designating it as a fine camera that happens to be a good phone it fits into my lifestyle well. I got a lightweight beltbag (not really pocket sized) where it fits into the small compartment and have the rest to use for whatever. The camera takes amazing pictures, the 10X optical has captured birds in the tree tops at high resolution that can be further clipped and still not pixelate.(I know that's not a recognized word, but it works). The unlocked GSM accepted my Family Mobile (running on T-Mobile) sim chip with no issues, and the 32GB SD card I added makes saving photos not a memory capacity concern. Connect the phone via usb to computer and it shows up as storage device and can transfer photos to storage. Screen is clear, maybe a bit small for my elderly vision but that's not the phone's problem. I have not yet begun to explore all its capabilities, more a basic phone function kind of owner. But what I've made use of so far has all been a good experience. And love the camera! Wish I could share the picture of the young Great Horned Owl at the top of a Hemlock, taken by Flashlight around midnight. OK, so is not the latest and greatest, but was very reasonably priced option and is a good option to carrying both a camera and a phone.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by rmasey_123August 16, 2018

    Best phone/camera ever.

    I love this phone by Samsung, a little dated now & has been superceded by a later higher spec model but the new model lacks a tripod mount which is very important when using maximum zoom (10x). I have read reviews of this phone that say it is too big cumbersome but I find it just right for a moderate pocket, I love the shape & it looks like a real camera more than it does a phone. The pictures it takes are excellent & so are the videos, the zoom ring on the lens makes it easy to zoom in & out. Works great as a phone too even if it does look a little odd to hold a camera to your ear! Consider also that this is an android device with wifi & some excellent google features. You can voice control the shutter by saying cheese, smile or shoot. If you have access to free wifi when traveling your photos will automatically back up to your google a/c whic means you won't loose your photos if you loose your camera! Another nice feature from google that works superbly is google translate that seems to have every common language. You can't do all the above on a stand alone camera. In summary although this is now dated as phones go it remains a superb camera phone with true 10 x optical zoom, tripod mount, & zoom ring on the lens. Great value for the money.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by vfor7164June 09, 2016

    Best camera !

    I purchased this phone just to use it as a camera for concerts. I had one for 2 years that I used as my main phone. Eventually the camera died. When I started looking at cameras I thought why spend over a hundred dollars on a camera when I can spend just a little more and buy the same phone just to use as a camera. This is the best camera I have ever used. I have crystal clear photos from a lot of concerts where it appears like I'm right in front of the stage. It zooms out extremely far and is not sensitive to movement. You won't end up with a bunch of blurry pics with this camera. I'm not sure how much memory it has but I had almost 1000 songs and hundreds of photos and never got a warning that I was low on data.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by jbaileyftsFebruary 17, 2016

    Good phone with an Amazing Camera

    This phone takes the best photos of any phone we have ever owned. Combine the 10x optical zoom, 16 megapixel camera, and very powerful shooting modes, and you have one great camera / phone. I purchased one for my daughter, and with frequent travels abroad and high use of cameras, my wife and other daughter want one as well.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by picturesnowSeptember 12, 2016

    Best phone I have ever had

    used it over a year now. Love it. no problems Takes better pictures than my pro cameras! hand to have with me I am a pro photographer I love taking pictures with my camera and holding up my camera to my ear gets people I love it

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by CfNTjo_gSoi@DeletedOctober 21, 2015

    Nice phone...but...

    Found many others listed for 1/2 the price...guess I should have looked harder. Battery life is 2 days max, and that is not using the phone more than once a day. It is bulky, but, I expected that. Photo's are good but not great.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by kathyscapaApril 20, 2017


    Great size phone and incredible camera. I had one for four years and dropped in on the cement. I replaced a phone that is no longer made because I like it so much.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by tenmar888January 04, 2016

    Best 16mp Camera

    Rear camera is simply the most outstanding with various modes. camera features exceeds expectation. Video capture , simply amazing

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by crgackowskiMay 03, 2017

    Bought this to replace broken one

    This was in excellent condition and it is now being well used.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by freiquigarci25March 01, 2016

    Very good condition

    I like

    Verified purchase:Yes