Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Tablets


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About Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
eBay has provided more information about this product above and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Samsung.

Price Trends

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 - Price New and Used

New Price*
from $233 to $279
Used Price*
from $117 to $168
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Price Trend Chart Large
*The average sold price is calculated based on "Buy It Now" items sold within the 90 day period described above (excluding shipping and handling). Each interval represents a 15 day period. There is no guarantee that items will always be listed at a price within the provided range.
Compare Similar Models
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Tablet / eReader
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
Internal Storage
32/64 GB
1.3 GHz octa-core
3 GB
Rear Camera
8 MP
Front Camera
2.1 MP
Operating System
Android 5.0.2/Android 6.0.1
Battery Capacity
5870 mAh

Factors You Need to Consider When Purchasing Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Tablets

If you're looking to read books without lugging around that hardcover, play games on a bigger screen than your phone has, or effortlessly carry a portable device with you for work, affordable Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets can fill all those roles and more. Learn what you need to know when selecting your next tablet.

What sizes does the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 come in?

When selecting new or used Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets, you have two models to choose from. The affordable Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 has an 8-inch display. If you're looking to get a bigger screen, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 has a 9.7-inch display. Both tablets are lightweight and 5.6 millimeters thick. See the manufacturer site for details.

What operating system is on Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets?

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Android tablets were released using the Android Lollipop operating system. The fifth major update to Android, Lollipop spans versions 5.0 and 5.1.1. When you buy a new or used Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, look for which version of Android it is currently running. These tablets can be upgraded to Android 7.0, also known as Android Nougat.

Do Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets have Wi-Fi?

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Wi-Fi tablets are available with Wi-Fi only or with a combination of Wi-Fi and 4G/LTE. If you're not looking to use cellular data on your new Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, then the Wi-Fi-only option may be a good fit for you. However, if you want to use your tablet when a Wi-Fi connection is unavailable, consider the models with Wi-Fi and 4G/LTE. When choosing an LTE-enabled Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, pay attention to which carrier it's compatible with. Choose a tablet that is compatible with your preferred carrier or an unlocked model.

What to look for when selecting used Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets

When you're shopping for an affordable Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 on eBay, choosing to purchase the tablet used can give you some great savings. If you're considering a used Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, pay attention to the condition the tablet is in. A few scratches on the outside of the tablet likely won't cause a problem, especially if you purchase a case to go with it. Be mindful of how often the tablet was used by its prior owner as well. Additionally, consider what items are bundled with the used Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablets. Is the charging cable included? You may also find listings that include a keyboard, screen protector, or case.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Samsung.