Silicone Ice Cubes, Trays & Molds

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Silicone Ice Cube Trays and Molds

Silicone ice cube trays have revolutionized the way we make ice cubes, cocktails, muffins, brownies, and fondant decorations. The flexible nonstick material makes it easy to pop out the frozen forms with ease, and little to no oil or coating is required. There are a few points to consider before you decide on which silicone ice cube trays to buy, because there are many options available.

Why use silicone instead of traditional ice cube trays?

The flexible nature of the mold makes it easier to form ice cubes into a multitude of shapes that won’t crack upon release. The design of the cocktail glass or cup informs the type of ice cubes used.

  • Basic ice cubes are the most common and easiest to use.
  • Cylindrical ice cubes fit into slender cocktail glasses and bottles.
  • Ice bars, hexagons, and giant cubes are other options.
  • Spheres of all sizes can be molded with two-piece ice cube trays that allow for complete filling and freezing.
  • Ice cube trays in the form of cool pop culture characters are available.
  • Holiday-themed ice cubes are also popular options.

Can silicone ice cube trays be used for other things?

  • Muffins, cakes, and brownies bake more evenly in silicone trays and molds, and they’ll have smooth sides due to the nonstick nature. Stickier batters and more intricate designs may need a light coating of oil spray.
  • Candy melts and chocolate shapes are easily formed and released from flexible silicone trays.
  • Gelatin desserts are easily made in ice molds. Be sure to make the denser version of the recipe for the best results.
  • Shallower trays with intricate designs are useful for making fondant and gum paste. Dusting the mold with cornstarch helps these designs release easily.

What temperatures can silicone trays withstand?

  • Silicone can withstand temperatures from -40 degrees Fahrenheit to about 460 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Prefilled molds can go directly from the freezer to the oven or microwave with no risk of damage.

How do you use these ice trays?

  • For making ice
    • Fill ice cube trays with water.
    • Place in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
    • When set, push each cavity from the bottom to release the ice.
    • Run warm water over the outside of the mold to help release more complex designs.
  • For baking
    • Fill the tray with batter.
    • Place the ice cube tray on a flat cookie sheet or other shallow pan to make moving it easier.
    • When your items are done, let them cool.
    • Gently pull the sides of the ice cube tray to loosen the food.
    • Push each cavity from the bottom to release the food.