Sony DVD Camcorders

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Choosing a DVD Camcorder

Everyday people use digital camcorders to capture special family memories and important moments in life in video format. The formats of storage that these cameras keep the movies and pictures with depends on the style of camera, and the DVD camcorder was first released in the early 2000's. Sony's Handycam came in a few different models and their quality and ease of use improved over time; however, while still available, these models are no longer in active production.

What Features Does a DVD Video Camera Have?

Sony released a few different models of camcorders that could record directly to a DVD. Some were more basic models for home use and others had more detailed specs for higher quality video. These are some of the features that you might be able to find on a Handycam:

  • Optical zoom: As a leading feature in all of their camcorders, the optical zoom reaches up to 20X magnification.
  • LCD screen: The bright display lets you play back videos and watch as you record.
  • Special effects: Various effects like sepia, scene transitions, and fades come standard on most models of the DVD recorder camera.
  • Battery life: You can expect to get around an hour and a half from one charge of this camcorder with over two hours on more expensive models.
  • Sound: The 403 features Dolby Digital 5.0 sound quality, making your audio as crisp as your picture.

How Can You Watch Your Recordings?

The main reason for investing in a Handycam is to be able to watch your memories back, so you want to have a couple of options for how to do this. This gives the user greater options for editing and viewing their videos and makes it a more versatile device.

  • Recorded to DVD: The key feature of these camcorders is that they can record directly to a disc for video editing, to watch, or make copies of later. These include DVD-R types that you can only use once and others that you can use multiple times.
  • TV connection: Using a USB plug, you're able to connect your Handycam directly to your TV and watch the videos you've captured.
  • Memory stick: Newer models of the camcorder could also save videos to a memory stick which plugs into the camera.

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