Thomas Kinkade Art Paintings

Bringing Home the Painter of Light: Choosing a Thomas Kinkade Picture

If you're a contemporary art enthusiast, you may well be a fan of the late Thomas Kinkade, known as "the painter of light." This artist's paintings have graced many homes for decades, and you can find much of his art for sale on eBay. Whether you want a signed original, a framed print, or even a poster, here's some advice to help you find a great deal.

The types of Tomas Kinkade artwork you can purchase

While you might find an original painting, most of the time, a listing for a Thomas Kinkade painting for sale on eBay is for some type of reproduction. Here are some of the usual ones you may be able to choose from:

  • Canvas reproductions: Many high-end Kinkade paintings on eBay are canvas reproductions because these are reproduced to look as much like an original as possible.
  • Limited-edition prints: These are reproductions that aren't designed to look just like an original. Limited-edition prints have shorter runs, and therefore, they are typically a bit more expensive.
  • Lithographs: These are high-quality reprints of Kinkade paintings. Depending on the size of the run, they may be more affordable than the other types of reproductions.
Are there other factors affecting price?

You likely have seen that the prices for Kinkade paintings vary considerably on eBay. While some of that variation comes from the type of artwork being sold, there are a few other key factors influencing value. Look for these when evaluating which item to purchase:

  • Framing: If you've ever tried to frame a picture, you likely know it's a challenge. Labor, plus the value of the frame itself, drives up the cost of framed prints.
  • Signing: As with most types of art, signed Thomas Kinkade paintings will generally sell for more. Because this is a desirable feature, many listings will make it very clear if the painting being sold has been signed.
  • Numbering: In many cases, a signed/numbered edition is from a small run. Numbering, along with signing, increases value.
Saving money on Thomas Kinkade prints

If you looked only at signed and framed prints and paintings, you may worry about finding one of these on a limited budget. However, many listings offer just the prints for a reasonable price. If you're saving money but want one of these pictures, it may be wise to purchase a print. These are still high-quality reproductions of Kinkade's unique art, and they can be displayed in frames or as posters.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Thomas Kinkade Studios.