iPhone X

iPhone X



Apple iPhone X
Display Size
Wireless Charging
Release Date
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


475 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by williamswarehouse2May 06, 2018

    One of the Greatest Phones I've ever had

    Everything from the lack of a home button to the usability of this phone really makes me happy with it. I think iPhones have really came a long way with the 10 and will continue to go further. One of my favorite new features is the portrait camera. Its a great way to snap pictures like a real professional without having to pay for a professional camera, another thing I love about the phone is the new taptic touch capabilities and the facial recognition. There is nothing like it. I could actually unlock my phone with my face. The only thing I do recommend is getting a case for the phone. It needs one. It feels heavy, but I bet it's very easy to break if I were to drop it and who wants to pay to get the glass redone. Another great feature is the recording feature. You can record the home screen and that is something apple never let done before. Well if there is a phone out there it's the iPhone 10. I highly recommend it.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by tmacfarlane6June 12, 2018

    Great phone with one flaw...

    Great cell phone! I love the big screen of the plus devices but the size of the smaller ones. The iPhone x gives me the best of both. However on my particular device vibrations are not a thing. After going into settings for a few hours looking, I found no success. I have all vibrations on but the device simply doesn't vibrate. It's small and I'll live with it but would have been nice to know when bought originally. Simply a flaw on my device specifically and doesn't change my overall opinion of the phone

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by wynnatApril 01, 2019

    Best Apple Upgrade

    This replaced my iPhone 5S. It took some getting used to, so I waited to write a review. I have had it for 6 months with no problems. Wi-Fi calling was automatic with my 5s, but I must contact Verizon to activate it on this model (not sure why). I use the face id without any problems, everything sinks very easily, it is not too big, and all of my Apple devices are connected. I use it for much more than I used my other devices. It was my best Apple upgrade yet.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by katjawalker0September 16, 2020

    Good battery life and nice sized phone.

    Nice phone, takes some getting used to as it does not work like the older iPhones - no on button and the swiping is different. Face recognition is difficult as wearing a mask and sometimes glasses makes it not work so well or at all, so I think the old fingerprint would be better. Battery life is good.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by pibarra78January 15, 2019

    Great phone!

    My Stepdad got this for my mom, and she really loves her phone. She's new to IPhone, but she's getting the hang of it. She has a lot of fun with it. To be honest I like it too, but I'm good with my phone at the moment.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by cdebrauskeJanuary 04, 2018

    Awesome phone but..........

    Love the facial recognition. Like past apple phones high quality and great feel. Hate to have to have protective cover. Only thing is could be a bit larger. Same size as a 7 but useable screen is larger.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by tecnousa2February 21, 2025

    Very satisfied with the purchase, at lea...

    Very satisfied with the purchase, at least I know it turns on, we still need to test the display but everything seems to be working fine

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by sclark_46December 22, 2020

    A great little phone

    The iPhone X is a great phone. Small enough to fit in pocket and have all the great features wanted on an iPhone.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by doobaa09September 29, 2019

    The perfect phone

    Truly a beautiful and groundbreaking phone. Gorgeous edge-to-edge display, great battery life, awesome cameras, killer performance. What more could you ask for?

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by j1675075June 14, 2021

    Great and still supported by Apple as of June 2021.

    It is a great lightweight and compact phone and as of June 2021 still supported by ios updates so I recommend it.

    Verified purchase:Yes