Samsung Convoy 3 Cell Phones & Smartphones

Samsung Convoy 3 Cell Phones & Smartphones



Samsung Convoy 3

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


380 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by tr-biloxi-msFebruary 27, 2017

    Convoy 3 Delivers

    The Samsung Convoy 3 is a great basic phone that features "indestructo" construction. This phone has long battery run time, military grade durability, great T1 predictive text and a bright flashlight function. No function is terrible. Only a few items are mid-grade. Note: The Convoy 3 isn't immersible under water like the Convoy 4 but the C3 has easy access to usb port and memory card. THE BEST: Good at voice and text. Good keypad. Sturdy construction. Attractive gray/black appearance. Easy to flip open with one hand. Strong battery: I charge my phone twice a week for 60 minutes a week talk time. Easyly accessed memory card in side slot. Music player works great. LESS THAN BEST: Camera is OK for utility usage but not a desirable photo album type camera. Voice recognition is ok but not quite as accurate as my former LG VN360 flip phone (which mysteriously quit). Notepad & message sending text is small but still easy to read if you have normal vision. Incoming text messages have larger print and are not a problem.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by eXH0OJipSMK@DeletedSeptember 06, 2016

    the 3

    The Samsung Convoy 3 is pretty much what I expected. I had the first Samsung Convoy and I did like it. I went to the smart phone, but my current model needed to be repaired. I need a temp phone in the mean time and thought the 3 would be a perfect stop gap until I get the main phone back, and it was. The only problem I have with this 3 is the hinge is loose. My guess is this is an anomaly and I wouldn't hesitate buying the model again. This was also a test to see if I could go back to a basic phone. Admittedly this has been a struggle.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by coopollsAugust 23, 2017

    Great flip phone. Annoying features common to other flips have been resolved

    Had to buy a new flip phone after our old one was lost, which in the end was fortuitous. The Convoy has a good solid sturdy feel about it. When pulling phone out of its holster you can't accidentally turn on the camera, change the volume or turn on the speaker, etc. because the external keys are locked until you flip open the phone. A real FLIP phone!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by logapau69June 08, 2018


    When I got it I was expecting it to come with a user's manual, and it has a few scratches on the back, but it works perfectly fine. All in all it's a great product at a great price which works for me.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by meangreenriderMay 12, 2017

    Samsung Convoy 3 SCH-U680

    New in box, easy to program on Verizon. Screen and voice quality excellent for the type of phone that it is. Great, if you don't need a big screen smart phone. Durable to throw around without worrying about breaking anything.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by dhumphreys47March 01, 2017

    Great features and rugged!

    This is my husbands 2nd one. He loves it. Has all he wants and needs. He had his first for years but recently dropped it in the commode! So he immediately wanted another. Makes great pictures!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by GxUdZuflSp-@DeletedJanuary 10, 2018

    u680 phone

    fit's my need perfectly well easy to use has all the features I need in a phone never wanted a smart phone ,, many people don't want a smart phone

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by overson4449June 28, 2016

    good, inexpensive product

    I like the fact that it is tough and still easy to use. Also, I like the fact that I can adjust size of font.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by bgriff443March 29, 2018

    4th Convoy

    Love the Samsung Convoy 3 phone. They last a long time and have a good battery life

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by briacornet_9October 23, 2018


    Thanks. Didn't realize it doesn't have a sim card slot.

    Verified purchase:Yes